Meet The 2024-25 Executive Board
President | Sean Beyer
Sean is a senior majoring in international business and marketing and also getting a certificate in Japanese professional communication. He is from Madison, Wisconsin. His hobbies include sucking at video games but playing them anyway, being a theatre kid at heart, and criticizing your volleyball form after playing for one year. His favorite committee was DISEC (GA 1) at NDMUN 2019.
Co-Vice President | Izzy Sunby
Izzy is a junior majoring in Spanish and political science with certificates in Chinese Professional Communication and statistics. She is from Wausau, Wisconsin. She is a "nap fiend," so she's probably sleeping right now. She is also an Iced Oat Milk Lavender Matcha Enthusiast (yes that's all capitalized, as it should be). Her favorite committee was I Like You a Latté: Café Riche and the Egyptian Revolution 1919, at CHOMUN 2023.
Co-Vice President | Jennifer Salemy
Jennifer is a junior majoring in information science with certificates in computer science and game design. During the Fall 2024 semester, she is studying abroad in Sydney, Australia (hence the koala). She is from New Jersey. Her favorite committee was JCC: Wasted in the Windy City: "Bugs" Moran and the Northside Gang at CHOMUN 2023.
Finance Chair | James Lukasevics
James is a junior majoring in interior architecture with a certificate in architecture and "...who knows." He is from Naperville, Illinois, but briefly lived in Nashville, Tennessee prior to coming to UW-Madison. James is a dual citizen Latvian who spoke Russian as his first language; he will flex his Russian whenever he can (completely factual statement). His favorite committee was Don't Worry DALL-E: Artists Against AI at CHOMUN 2024.
Fundraising Chair | Kerem Tosun
Kerem is a sophomore majoring in economics and international studies, with certificates in mathematics and data science. He is from Minnetonka, Minnesota. He is a self-described matcha addict, obsessed with Halloween, and claims (with little evidence) that he can read fortunes in Turkish coffee grounds. His favorite committee was East Coast-West Coast Killas: 90s HIP-HOP EVOLUTION at HNMUN 2024.
Co-Social Chair | Wade Lindmark
Wade is a sophomore majoring in political science and economics with certificates in political economy and statistics. He is from Oconomowoc, Wisconsin. His hobbies include staying active (hiking, cycling, etc.), being told he looks like Alfredo Linguini from Ratatouille, and reading. His favorite committee was the Ad-Hoc Committee of the Secretary-General at HNMUN 2024.
Co-Social Chair | Jack Cannon
Jack is a sophomore majoring in data science with an undecided double major. He is from St. Louis, Missouri. He is a big traveler, but you can frequently find him in his room playing NBA 2K (maybe a little too often), as he is a self-described bronsexual. Jack's favorite committee was the Ad-Hoc Committee of the Secretary-General at HNMUN 2024.
Secretary-General | Alex S. Lee
Alex is a junior majoring in legal studies and political science. He hails from Fort Lee, New Jersey. His hobbies include camping and biking around Madison. His favorite committee was the Chinese Civil War JCC of WHSMUN 2024, for which he served as Crisis Director.